DeepCloud AI – Project that focuses on storage that allows data sharing between users


With a large number of innovative technological developments that continue to broaden the horizons of what is humanly and technologically possible in many fields, it really is an exciting time to live, and a more exciting time to be a pioneer of technological advancements in fields such as the blockchain, Artificial intelligence and IoT have the power to disrupt existing traditional industries and pioneer many previously unattainable technological advancements that can have enormous benefits for our daily and personal lives – and even at the mechanisms of our own human experience.

This situation presents opportunities for innovative technology companies and blockchain projects that have industry expertise and foresight to hone and make use of niches that are feasible or promising at an early stage.

Deep Cloud AI is a project that must be found completely!
As the name implies, this project focuses on remote data storage (cloud).
Very underestimated until now the cloud system offers many advantages, it helps for the longest networks because you can share files with people who live near you for example. We can also think about saving energy because the data center is currently hungry for energy. These large centers must be cooled, which does not apply to smaller units.

DeepCloud AI is a very impressive example of the pioneers of this technology, in this case targeting the giant cloud computing industry has identified edge computing for IoT and decentralized peer-to-peer applications as a very promising gap in the market today, and the ideal main entry point into a niche that is ready for disruption, DeepCloud AI is actively building a dynamic decentralized cloud computing ecosystem. This must be achieved by using a community-based, technology-focused operational model. The highly experienced team shows an impressive mix of technological knowledge and business acumen, with an active focus on meaningful partnerships combined with endless technological development.

DeepCloud AI operational mechanics combines the use of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology at the core level, to provide each element of the ecosystem community with a profitable experience optimally because they use the DeepCloud AI platform for their respective facilities – from providers of computing resources to developer dapps and so on . Pioneered by industry veterans, DeepCloud AI’s mission is clear: to democratize and advance cloud computing through their innovative technology-based and community-based operational models.

Deep Cloud is developing AI that allows sharing of data between close users, which is a real innovation.

This may on the surface sound like a big concept, and there are many obscure words involved – largely reflecting the innovative multi-level approach to cloud computing projects. Therefore we will systematically dismantle DeepCloud AI to effectively build real-world potential.

As a result of ongoing advances in blockchain technology, 2018 has seen decentralized cloud computing become the dominant technology trend, with new market players emerging to meet specific demands involving peer-to-peer cloud networks. Examples include: Golem, whose initial focus and only the use case that is currently supported is graph rendering; SONM, which is a non-niche specific general purpose cloud with a vague plan to develop the market but there has been no such development at the front; and the iExec cloud market for dApps, which does not have the desired operational elements such as masternode and fair incentives calculated by AI.

This landscape makes a particular sector of cloud computing still not effectively fulfilled by existing computing solutions for peer-to-peer and IoT decentralized applications. Decentralized solutions are currently not built to serve this particular niche, and traditional centralized cloud computing infrastructure is not suitable for this use case, because they need computing resources that are close to the edge (close to data collection points) for relatively efficient processing of large numbers data generated by edge devices. Likewise, existing micro transactions on payment gateways, in addition to well-known blockchain such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are too expensive for IoT use cases.

Deeplcloud AI is a blockchain project, this works with the help of the DEEP token token used for all transaction payments. DEEP Token is a utility token that complies with ERC20. Deepcloud service will be free for users, only premium features will be paid.

DeepCloud AI Solution :

We will not delve too deeply into the technical details of the project here, simply doing so will require special articles of our own (which might potentially materialize in the near future), but we will outline the basics of the DeepCloud AI platform and synthesize the elements that make up more ecosystems large.

Basically, DeepCloud AI systematically overlaps with the realm of cloud computing and economic P2P sharing, and embeds blockchain-generated solutions and AI-based security and functionality. The result is the development of a reliable and dynamically developed independent decentralized cloud computing ecosystem, and a platform that is able to offer operational functionality that is cheaper, faster and richer than traditional centralized solutions.

This approach has the potential for large disruptions for various industries, but especially benefits those who need low latency to function optimally. Promising use cases include: decentralized application solutions for IoT devices AR and VR solutions.

projects and teams look promising, different ranking platforms provide good ratings. This project must be carefully followed because it has very good potential, if the team manages to maintain its roadmap, the project has a good opportunity to succeed and become a market leader.

Yes, that’s a little explanation from me about what is “DeepCloud AI”, and for more information please visit the link below:


Author : Nino Ambarawa
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